Watch: Man Shares Time-Lapse Video of Six-Month Weight-Loss Journey

Watch: Man Shares Time-Lapse Video of Six-Month Weight-Loss Journey

We’re big fans of weight-loss stories, but most of the time, we only get to see a few before and after photos. Very rarely do we get to see someone’s physique transform right before our very eyes.

That’s why it was cool to see Billy Richards’ six-month time lapse of his near-50-pound weight loss journey, which he achieved by running on the treadmill almost every day. In the video, you can literally see his stomach get smaller by the day.

Richards, who lives in London, started running on Jan. 1, 2019, after setting a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. He began at 17 stone (238 pounds). Over six months, he lost 48 pounds and ran more than 175 miles.

You can watch his time-lapse video here, and check out some before and after shots at the 7:50 mark.

Richards says that in addition to running on the treadmill, he lifted weights to help torch his fat. As awesome as this success story is, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Richards says he had some setbacks and at times put some weight back on, but he always got back on track.

According to the Daily Mail, he now weighs about 188 pounds. He told the tabloid he now has more energy and is a lot happier. “Everyone has said I look great now, they have noticed a big loss from my face,” he said. Richards bares it all in this video, quite literally. Most people wouldn’t dare show their shirtless bodies to the world when they’re in less than ideal shape.

Not only that, but Richards also shares with the Internet the difficulties he’s faced along the way. Quite a brave thing to do, if you ask us.

In a follow-up video, Richards reveals he wants to weigh 154 pounds by the end of the year, so he’s got about another 30 pounds to go. He also wants to do 20 pull-ups in a row before 2019 is up, and bench 155 pounds for five reps.

With the dedication Richards has already shown, we have no doubt that he’ll be able to accomplish these goals—or, at the very least, come very close to it.


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